How To Get Rid Of Double Chin – 10 Natural Remedies
(Get Rid of Double Chin) Are you looking for the ways on how to get rid of double chin but just getting disappointed? Well, it is a common disorder, and you are particularly not the only one.
It can really lower your self-confidence and make you feel very embarrassed.
I know because I had an awful double chin for a long time that just would not go away until I found the right answer.
How to get rid of double chin is a common problem that many different people ask.
This is with better reason too as I also could not help but feel embarrassed when I had that extra bit of fat that should not be there.
Fortunately, I did manage to get rid of it and you can too. If you try to get rid of a double chin, then you should start by looking in the mirror and being truthful with yourself.
Yes, you have a fatty chin right now, but with a bit work, you could have a well define and toned chin. Here is some more good news.
What if I mentioned you that you could get rid of a double chin without spending tons of money and without surgery?
Stay with me, and I will show you how to get rid of a double chin fast.
What Is a Double Chin?
Do you know why people suffer from this disorder? At first, a double chin is known as submental fat, and it is essentially a compartment that is filled with fat.
But why it appears in the first place? There are many different factors can present to the cause of a double chin, these are weight gain, genetics, and aging.
Many of us consider that double chin is simply an excess loose skin, a fat deposition, or both, according to medical research.
The key reason of this disorder for someone is a genetic predisposition to keeping, fat in the region under the chin.

It implies that the age, weight and physique matter of an individual is less than his or her genetic trends as well.
Further Reading
- Effects of chin tuck exercise
- Effect of jaw-opening exercise on prevention
- How to Reduce Chin Fat
What are the Causes of a Double Chin?
So how could I get rid of my double chin fast? Before you know the way how to get rid of your double chin, you must get the knowledge what the cause of your double chin was.
There is some different factors cause to make a double chin. These are the factors helps to find out the ways a how to get rid of a double chin to your own.
When you get aged your body skin starts to lose its firmness which will ultimately cause to a double chin.
Diet and weight
While weight gain is not constantly the cause of a double chin, it can contribute to it.
A diet high in calories, prepared foods, and unhealthful fats may affect weight gain and a double chin as well.
Though weight gain is not the ultimate reason of a double chin, sometimes it occurs this disorder. The high in calories, unhealthy fats, and processed foods
A double chin may develop due to Genes in people. Anyone who suffers from this disorder in your family might be the cause to develop these double chins.
This poor posture may lead to double chin because over the time it makes your skin lose where muscles are not worked.
How to Get Rid of Double Chin - Top 10 Ways
There are many treatments to get rid of double chin. You may go for surgical treatment to reduce this disorder.
But it is best to find out the natural ways on how to get rid of a double chin.
Here are top 10 ways to get rid of this double chin given below:
1. How to get rid of chin fat with Wheat Germ Oil
Wheat Germ Oil is an important and effective remedy to get rid of a double chin.
If you massage it regularly on the neck and double chin, then it will be highly beneficial for the patient.

Wheat germ oil is consisting of:
- Vitamin B6
- Folic acid
- Vitamin B complex
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Phosphorus and
- The goodness of vitamin E which is also effective for aging skin
You should massage this wheat germ oil gently around the affected area before going to bed.
How to use this oil:
- Take a few drops of oil into a small cup
- Slowly massage this oil into your affected area
- Apply it in an upward action from the lower part of the neck to the tip of the chin
- Apply it for 15 minutes
- Leave the oil into the double chin overnight
If you apply this remedy for a month on a regular basis, you may get the result to get rid of the double chin.
2. How to lose chin fat : Cocoa Butter
In our top 10 list on how to get rid of double chin, cocoa butter plays an important role which has moisturizing and emollient characteristics.
It helps to reduce dead skin and sagging skin cells to causes aging.
Cocoa butter is the source of anti oxidants which help to damage the free radicals on the skin.
It also helps to reduce aging and stress marks as well. This double chin removal has plenty of fatty acids and offering more elasticity including highly hydrates the skin.

How to apply this remedy:
- Take a few drops of cocoa butter in a cup
- Warm it slightly in the microwave
- Massage it into the affected area for a few minutes
- Apply this remedy 2 times a day (before taking a bath in the morning and at night before going to bed
3. How do you get rid of a double chin with Melon
Melon helps to calm your skin which is 95% of water. It has phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, and proteins.
It contains antioxidant, anti-inflammation and anti-aging features that eradicate the free radicals to stop the skin sagging.
It also consists of vitamin A which can damage free radicals and keeps your skin shiny. There is also Vitamin B which is best to tone your skin as well.

How to apply:
- At first, squeeze the melon to make juice
- Dip a cotton ball into the juice
- Then apply it to the double chin
- Leave for 15 to 20 minutes
- Wash off with water
- Apply this remedy 2 to 3 times for best results regularly
You can also blend half slice of apple or milk for better results
4. How to get rid of double chin fast with Vitamin E
Another most effective treatment to get rid of double skin is Vitamin E. It is highly beneficial for skin and helps to stop the related skin disorders.
It promotes your skin texture and makes it moisturized and healthy. It also helps to hold your skin clean and clear thus you are looking younger.
It helps to eliminate saggy skin, removes puffiness and regulates elasticity. It repairs and damages free radicals which are toxic to your skin and body as well.
It also has anti-oxidant which can smooth your skin and remove bacteria and harmful virus.

How to apply Vitamin E
- Use several drops of vitamin E oil
- Massage the oil on the affected area
- Massage it for 2 to 5 minutes
- Apply this solution twice daily for better results
5. How to lose a double chin with Egg White
Egg White seems to be the most effective treatment that helps in reducing a double chin.
Egg white contains a skin tightening effect and makes your skin look younger than before.

How to apply Egg white:
- At first break two eggs in a small bowl
- Discard the yolk and whisk the egg white
- Then mix one tablespoon of honey, milk and lemon juice
- Also, mix a few of peppermint essential oil
- Use this mask to the skin around the affected area
- Leave it there for 30 minutes
- Rinse it with slightly warm water and pat dry the skin
6. Get rid of Double Chin with Milk
Milk has lactic acid and various nutrients like Vitamin A, D, B6, B12, protein, biotin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium among others.
The anti aging agent selenium helps to damage free radicals and save you against sun burn.
It also improves the elasticity and firmness of your skin which can get rid of double chin.
It boosts the collagen production as it has Calcium and vitamin D and improves the skin elasticity.
Selenium in milk is an anti aging factor that fights off free radicals along with protecting it from sun damage.
It also helps control the stiffness and elasticity of skin, a property that comes beneficial in diminishing double chin.
Calcium and vitamin D in it also promotes collagen production and boost skin elasticity.
This may help relieve you of double chin too. Milk is the source of anti oxidant property which contributes to tone up your skin.

How to apply Milk for Double Chin:
- Apply milk on the affected area (double chin)
- Leave for a while
- Then wash off with slightly warm water
- Alternatively, mix honey and milk to make a mask
- Apply this to your double chin
- Leave for 15 to 20 minutes
- Then wash off with slightly warm water
Apply this remedy regularly until you get rid of this disorder.
7. How to lose double chin with Glycerin
Applying glycerin is also a very good technique which helps to reduce the double chin. You can make a natural mask with this glycerin and apply to that area.

- Add one tablespoon of glycerin
- Then mix a tablespoon of Epsom salt and a few drops of peppermint oil
- Apply it gently to the affected area using a cotton ball
- Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes to make sure that it is absorbed into the skin
- Then, wash the mask away using lukewarm water
- Apply this remedy 3 times a week to see a noticeable difference
8. Get rid of Double Chin with Green Tea for

You may think about green tea and decide to take more tea. Well, tea has caffeine which helps you to get rid of water retention that may reduce double chin.
Caffeine cannot be stored in human body and removed from the body through urine. Caffeine commonly helps to alleviate water retention in a diuretic way.
However, if you have a double chin because of overweight, green tea seems to be the natural remedy that can boost your metabolism. So, You know how to lose fat under chin.
Green tea has low levels of caffeine. It also has high levels of the amino acid L-theanine. These both of which can help in weight loss as well as double chin reduction.
There is only 25mg of caffeine in a cup of green tea where a cup of coffee has 100-150mg of caffeine.
You may take a cup of green tea and have 4 to 5 cups throughout the day! This way you may lose weight and get rid of a double chin as well!
9. How to get rid of chin fat with Sugar-Free Gum

It is necessary to keep your facial muscle toned which helps to get rid of a double chin and make your muscle in your jaw line exercise.
It seems to be the best way to chew sugarless chewing gum. Chewing sugar less gum even helps to keep healthy teeth and gums.
Just chew the sugarless gum several times a day and remove your chin as soon as possible.
10. Exercises to lose double chin: Chin Exercises
If you want to stretch and tone your face, jaw muscles and neck then chin exercises are very best. Below are the exercises to lose double chin.
It seems on the best exercises to get rid of double chin as well. They will not only reduce your stiffness but also helps to strengthen your chin and neck muscles.
- Gently tilt your head back till you are looking at the ceiling
- Then pucker up your lips in a bend
- Keep this position for 5 counts and then release
- Apply this for 5 to 10 times in a row
- Do this daily for several of weeks
- The other exercise involves slowly turning your head clockwise and then anti clockwise
- Holding your spine straight all the while
- Apply for this position 5 to 10 times of this exercise
- Practice this 3 times a day for a few weeks
Note: You can practice these exercises while standing or sitting but confirm to keep your spine erect.
Final Verdict
Double chin is such condition that makes us look aged and overweight.
If you are struggling to find out a painless and friendly ways on how to get rid of double chin, these remedies mentioned above might be effective for you.
Keep in mind; these are only natural remedies to reduce or eliminate your double chin.
Apply one or more remedies for double chin mentioned in this article and practice regular double chin exercises to get rid of double chin forever.
Do you want to try one of these remedies stated above? If you did, please share with us your result and experience you got after applying it to remove swollen lip by mentioning here.
Your experience might be worthy for us.